Thursday, November 17, 2016


Why am I making this blog? Well there are a couple of reasons; the first and foremost of which is that I am not okay. I have been dealing with depression since I was roughly 11 years old. Of course there have been ups and downs throughout the years, but I have been in the depths for quite a while now. It has been long enough that I have come to the realization that I cannot depend solely on doctors and therapists, but have to rely on the power of myself. Which brings me to my next reasons- finding meaning.
In my therapy one of the skills I have begun to explore is meaning making. In the midst of depression, for many of us, suicide rises to the forefront of the mind. Things that used to be precious to us begin to not matter anymore and we lose our connection to reality. Finding meaning within is, arguably, what makes life worth living. And thus I am trying to find this meaning within myself, and my own life.
The third reason why I am making and also very excited about this blog is that I’d always hoped to find a career that I enjoy and creation seems to be the enjoyment that I seek. I like the idea of making things naturally- of walking through the woods and scavenging plants and lichen that will make beautiful colors. I like the idea of going back to the days of using animal wool and fur to produce clothing rather than depending on unsustainable factories that not only hurt the people who work there, but the resources that they deplete. I don’t pretend to be an expert on the subject, but I hope to do my part by learning the arts that I present on this page; and lucky for you, if you so choose, you get to go on this journey with me!
If you have gotten this far I thank you for reading about why I am making this blog, it truly means a lot to me that I can share my drive with you. We all search for our place in this world and I am simply one of many in the process. I hope that you enjoy the projects that I present and I would absolutely love to hear from you about questions, comments or requests for projects that you may find exciting and relatable.

My love goes with you all,

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